Tips for the Transition | The Career Roadmap
Inspiring conversations for women about career & life, harmony & balance, leadership & growth, and more. We include practical tips, tested strategies, professional advice, and new possibilities to explore. Join us!
Tips for the Transition | The Career Roadmap
Asking for More & Expecting to Get It with Christine McKay
We negotiate from the time we're children to get what we want. Often, we lose that brilliant skill as we mature because we find ourselves unable to resolve conflict and don't know what to do next.
If this happens for you, our guest, Christine McKay, will teach you how to ask for what you want--and get it.
This is a powerful episode, packed with ideas, tips, and strategies that can be applied in every area of our lives.
We talk about finding common ground, how to gain leverage, the importance of non-negotiables, and when to walk away.
After watching, you'll want to get Christine's book to learn more: www.T4T.link/WhyNotAsk
Business Negotiation Strategist
Website: https://www.vennnegotiation.com/
eMail: cmckay@vennnegotiation.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinemckay/
Certified Career & Life Coach
Get Your Free Book: Get Unstuck! 5 Steps to Adapt to Change & Move Through Transition
Take This Free Assessment: Do I Stay Or Do I Go? Now or Later? Decision Tool
Download Free Self-paced Video Training on Confidence, Resilience, and Planning for the Unexpected: https://transitionandthrivewithmaria.com/free-trainings/
Join My Private Facebook Group: Career Transition Roadmap—for professional women
Visit my website: https://transitionandthrivewithmaria.com/
Listen to the Podcast: Tips for the Transition | The Career Roadmap
Read my book: Upside Down to Right Side Up: Turning Transition into Triumph